My gramps recently passed away from pancreatic cancer...
This was the eulogy I wrote for him:
To Grampa,
Wow...where to begin?!Well I've been thinking over the last few weeks how much of an influence you've had on my life.From Fair Haven's trips every summer, to sitting in the back of your baby blue pick up truck pretending to fish, to spending countless hours swimming in the pool or lake and pretending you were a submarine (you were such a trooper), to many many scoops of ice-cream (even on rainy days), to helping you downstairs in your workshop when I would come for sleepovers, to always sitting beside you at gatherings, and your famous grace every family dinner (I would always know and point out to you when you changed it up, even a little).
You were always a man of few words, but never once did I doubt that you loved me (and often it made me listen to the words you did so eloquently speak). You have given me over the last 24 years of my life, such a strong example of faith, service and unconditional love. For that, I will forever be thankful.
If I could describe you in three words here's what they would be:
1.) A Hero: a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. Gramps, you were nothing short of that. You continually saught out ways in which to help and love people. Your countless giftings have benefited us all at somepoint, often many points, in our lives. Your acts of service never went unnoticed and you will always be an incredible example to me of someone who put the needs of others far before his own...a true mark of a hero.
2.) An Inspiration: you are a true testament to the phrase, "lead by example" You have influenced so many people by just being you. Your patience and easy going personality made it so easy to approach you and be around you. Your contentment and peace in life, even in the last few months before you died, is something so rare. I remember coming to see you at the house a couple weeks before you went back into the hospital. You were getting tired and you reclined the lazy-boy and put your head back to take a rest. I remember looking at you as you drifted off to sleep with a big grin on your face. When I think back to that, I am convinced it is because you were happy with where you were, surrounded by people that love you. and finally,
3.) A Legacy: I don't know how much explaining this word needs. You have been such an important part of life to so many people. Your faith in God was constantly lived out through the way you loved and served people daily. I'm so thankful to have had a Grampa like you, to teach me, encourage me and love me. Know that a part of you will always live on in my heart and that I will always be challenged by the way you lived life...through simplicity, through love and through God.
Thank you for being you, for being a hero, an inspiration, and now to leave your legacy. Thank you for all you taught me, for all the rich memories you have given me, and for always being the best Grampa you could be.
I love you Grampa.
Until we meet again,
your Handy.
**NOTE** Thank you to everyone who loved me through this rough time and continues to help me through it. Your love, care, and encouragement have not gone unnoticed and I appreciate you more than you know. There are not enough words of thanks for my gratitude. BIG BIG LOVE.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Lessons Learned from a MASTER

well, i have an incredible boyfriend who actually inspired one of my experiments of truth from a previous blog--learning to think in the "If I think I can do it, I can" mentality.
which is such a hard concept to grasp.
of all people to be able to do this though, it's him.
which is such a hard concept to grasp.
of all people to be able to do this though, it's him.
at Christmas he made a lot of his presents for people, including a BEAUTIFUL hand carved lion book box for one of his small group was soo crazy.
it brought me back to this one day we were driving in the niagara region and on the side of the road at the end of someone's drive-way, there were people selling beautiful hand carved statues. These statues must've taken so much time to make. Of course, Sim turns to me and says, "It can't be THAT hard to do that eh?!" In which case I looked him, laughed a little and then realized he was serious. I proceeded to respond to the question in disgust that he would mock the time and effort, potentially sweat and tears the creator must've gone through to make that.
Little did I know that Sim was actually going to try it...and wildly succeed.
He developed this theory, "If you think you can, you can." It's really inspired me to do a lot of things. It has helped me face some of my fears. Yesterday I sang in front of a bunch of people...something I hadn't done in 5 years and something I thought would never be done again. I know this year will hold many, IF I THINK I CAN, I CAN moments, but to be honest with you, I'm rather excited.
Sim always calls himself a "jack of all trades, master of none." BUT I would argue that knowing the goodness of life and having the confidence to that, makes you a master of life.
So, here I go...we'll see where this takes me, but I'm quite enthusiastic about the outcomes of having such a perspective and look forward to the many MANY adventures I will be able to take because of this new philosophy.
it brought me back to this one day we were driving in the niagara region and on the side of the road at the end of someone's drive-way, there were people selling beautiful hand carved statues. These statues must've taken so much time to make. Of course, Sim turns to me and says, "It can't be THAT hard to do that eh?!" In which case I looked him, laughed a little and then realized he was serious. I proceeded to respond to the question in disgust that he would mock the time and effort, potentially sweat and tears the creator must've gone through to make that.
Little did I know that Sim was actually going to try it...and wildly succeed.
He developed this theory, "If you think you can, you can." It's really inspired me to do a lot of things. It has helped me face some of my fears. Yesterday I sang in front of a bunch of people...something I hadn't done in 5 years and something I thought would never be done again. I know this year will hold many, IF I THINK I CAN, I CAN moments, but to be honest with you, I'm rather excited.
Sim always calls himself a "jack of all trades, master of none." BUT I would argue that knowing the goodness of life and having the confidence to that, makes you a master of life.
So, here I go...we'll see where this takes me, but I'm quite enthusiastic about the outcomes of having such a perspective and look forward to the many MANY adventures I will be able to take because of this new philosophy.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Experiments with Truth (Part B: Here's to 2009)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, last year I tried this out and realized that my list was FAR too long to accomplish a lot of the experiments.
This year I have narrowed it down:
- hold others in the highest regard.
- to take better care of myself and others.
- to remember that I am OKAY
- to adopt the theory: "If I think I can, I can." ---(it's all in your head--right Sim?)
- to get over at least 3 fears. (along with this: to try new things)
- maintain the budget I have created.
- to blog more.
The end.
This year I have narrowed it down:
- hold others in the highest regard.
- to take better care of myself and others.
- to remember that I am OKAY
- to adopt the theory: "If I think I can, I can." ---(it's all in your head--right Sim?)
- to get over at least 3 fears. (along with this: to try new things)
- maintain the budget I have created.
- to blog more.
The end.
Experiments with Truth (Part A: The Greatness of 2008)
I decided to get back into this blog thing. Starting the year off right with my highlights:
- Beginning 2008 with such incredible people at the Pancake House for, as Steve calls it, a "Papa No" breakfast.
- Beginning 2008 with such incredible people at the Pancake House for, as Steve calls it, a "Papa No" breakfast.
- Going on a hike on New Year's Day with Sim, by beautiful waterfalls and incredible amounts of snow.
- South Ovary Reunions
- Anti-Valentine's Day dinner made by Sim (great homemade pizza and chocolate covered strawberries). Watching Love Actually for the first time. Getting roses from Sim's dad. Feeling greatly loved.
- Week-long live in named Luke, while the parents were in Georgia.
- Driving Luke home for reading break and going bowling with him, his brother and Cam.
- Watching Dumb and Dumber multiple times with Sim.
- Getting an amazing peice of art and comfort from Sim to remind me how loved I am while he went to Ecuador for 2 weeks.
- Going to Pennsylvania with my mom and Krista, drinking raspberry flavoured Smirnoff mixed with Orange Juice, Olive Garden break-sticks, and many funny moments.
- Tea- Dates and confesh time with Cait.
- Sim's birthday with good friends and family...with candle lit house and Taboo.
- Pat Robitaille concerts with good friends.
- Finding Nirvana...after 1.5 hours of searching for a secret good restaurant.
- Switchfoot Concert in Buffalo with good friends.
- Breakfast at Benny's with Rach.
- Baking experiments with Luke.
- Making many home-cooked dinners with Sim.
- Good Friday hike with The Underground
- Good Friday celebrations at Sim's with good friends and family.
- Family dinners with Sim's family.
- Spring Retreat--last amazing memories with my beautiful small group.
- North Carolina 2007--good friends, swimming in the ocean, SHELL searching, CONCH ISLAND, camping, good food, NYC, ghetto hotels, walking around central park, dinner in little Italy. BEST.
- getting the BEST bike from Sim.
- discovering and reading Sark.
- Summer 2007--ultimate frisbee and spending a lot of time with matt and cait, visiting Sim, sleep-overs with Liane, going to Pelee Island with mom, deb and ollie's wedding, Fuel--challenging and facing fears, but good.
- MEETING HOLLY!!--Sim's beautiful puppy
- breakfasts with Krista-belle
- my birthday, with good friends, good memories, a lot of FUN. biking by the falls, olive garden--Dumb and Dumber.
- challenging times--mom's health and grampa--overcoming and being comforted by people and friends that love me.
- thanksgiving--my family, sim's family, long hikes with Holly.
- Fall Retreat with a new, and great, small group.
- deciding to go on a missions trip to Ecuador
- Ecuador training and getting to know the team I will be going with.
- celebrating Ben's birthday
- avocado and brie sandwiches along with Arizona's
- breakfast for dinner and OC watching.
- breakfast for dinner and OC watching.
- dinners and coffee dates with new and great friends and small group girls.
- Simon Beck coming home for Christmas--CAA angels and breakfast lunches at Benny's
- Wine and Cheese at Cait and Deb/Olivers.
- Christmas banquet and Street Run with the Underground.
- baking A LOT with Sim and Matt and Cait.
- home church on Sunday nights with Robbie, Rach, Sam and Sim--good conversations and a lot of FUN.
- Snowstorms that let you leave work early, lock you in your house and make you finish homemade christmas presents.
- working on Sim's present with my dad in the workshop.
- Christmas Eve with the Marlows
- Christmas day with just the fam.
- Boxing day with Gramps and Sim's family. Playing rockband with Sim, his brother and sister. giving Sim his tea-box, matching hats from Dorrett.
- Nat's wedding--catching up with old friends and dancing our hearts out.
- Christmas dinner with Rach, Sim, Simon Beck, Robbie and Gareth.
- celebrating with Matt and Cait (they're ENGAGED!)
- Heroes watching with Emma and Ben.
- Tobogganing with my people on New Years.
There are definitely many many other memories. Both good and bad happened this year. The last few months have been particularly hard, with family, work, and health. I hope for those of you that have been affected by this, that you know that I'm so thankful for you. I don't know where I'd be without your love, support, prayer, encouragement and grace.
So Long 2008, BRING ON 2009!!!
Some photo proof (mainly of my bests):
There are definitely many many other memories. Both good and bad happened this year. The last few months have been particularly hard, with family, work, and health. I hope for those of you that have been affected by this, that you know that I'm so thankful for you. I don't know where I'd be without your love, support, prayer, encouragement and grace.
So Long 2008, BRING ON 2009!!!
Some photo proof (mainly of my bests):
Cait and I in North Carolina

Rach, Me, Robbie and Simon Beck on the Good Friday Hike
Some of the South Ovs during a reunion at Snooty
My beautiful girls
The greatest puppy...HOLLY (she's a lot bigger now)
Me and my favourite person in the world, Sim.
Cheers to 2008... Bring on 2009!
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