Monday, September 1, 2008

God promised I would be OKAY

I just got back from a week of camp...and it was such a great learning experience for so many reasons.

On Monday night, my section head, Michelle, gave us each a piece of paper and asked us to think of something God promises us or something we feel God telling us. Upon the first request to do this I had no idea what to say or more importantly what God was telling me, so I left it blank for a bit. Towards the end of the week, I realized what it was that I wanted to write was that I would be OKAY.

He promised me that, and it was true....I was okay and still am.

I guess seeing that promise fulfilled made me realize that if that can be true than surely many of the promises he has given me, and others, are true as well. and that is encouraging.

Tonight I will go to sleep knowing that I am deeply loved, deeply cared for, and known by many. I am okay. I have been okay and I will continue to be okay.

I'm really tired at the moment but there will definitely be more to come!

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